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Loretta Lynn Qualifier Warm-Up - 2/16/2020
Prairie City MX
Please Select a Class from the List Below
All Classes
2 Stroke 125 All2 Stroke 250 All
50cc 4-650cc 7 + up
50cc Open65cc 10-11
65cc 7-965cc OPEN
85 Open (Supermini)85cc 12-13
85cc 14-1685cc 9-11
Big Bike Open Beg/NovBig Bike Open Int/Pro
College Boy 18-24Schoolboy 12-17
Vet +25 Int/ExpVet 25+ Beg/Nov
Vet 30+ Beg/NovVet 30+ Int/Exp
Vet OPENWomen Beg/Nov
Women Int/Pro250 A
250 B250 C
450 A450 B
450 CPW 50
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